More than 100 years at your side.

Ever since Green Box was founded over 100 years ago, we have valued the efforts made in this area.

We were sustainable even before we knew it and, since the 80s, we have been obsessed with the good use we make of resources today, to have them tomorrow.

Sistema de almacenaje ecológico Greenbox

Our history

Founded in 1924, Green Box, S.L is a family-owned company based in Alcácer (Valencia, Spain) dedicated to the manufacturing of packaging for fruits and vegetables.

We have been developing our packaging system for more than 30 years, which helps increase sales thanks to its attractiveness.
environmentally friendly design, with immediate service that saves costs for companies.

Fotos trabajadores tala monte

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Green Box Values


The customer comes first

We are driven by the desire to do what you need, where and when you need it.


The word has value

What we say, we do.

La calidad

Quality is inalienable

We demand ourselves to offer the best service and quality.


Our priority: sustainability

Promotion of initiatives thinking at all times about reduction, reuse and recycling.